Monday, April 6, 2009

still dying. O_o

sorry there havent been any interesting quotes the past few days...between dying, visiting Urgent Care and being put on three different meds because of a delayed anaphylactic shock induced by nuts, i havent really had time to do anything except sleep and try to get homework done. >.< i still feel like i can't breathe, my windpipes are still really constricted, and i'm coughing like every five minutes in an attempt to rid my lungs of the nutty debris. O_o gahhh!! the meds are helping a great not nearly as bad off as i was yesterday - gasping for air every time i inhaled. O_o so, apparently sneezing and what not arent the ONLY things that can happen if i inhale scent of nut products. blergh. O_o

anyways, here's today's quote:

"Sometimes, things fall apart so other things can fall into place." -Unknown.
this seems to be true for me in more ways than one. it's a bit obvious as to what i can relate it to...but what about everyone else? it makes sometimes certain doors need to be shut in order for the next one to open. it isnt every day that certain opportunities come about, but they can easily be shut out if one isnt open to receive them.

[i think i'm getting better at this analysis thing...i still feel as though i can expand quite a bit more...but hey, it's a start.] =)
anyways...once this chaotic semester is over, i'll be glad to finally be able to catch up on some much needed reading. [ive missed it!] there just isnt enough time in the day for me to get everything that i need to done. of course...i'm sure everyone could say that. to art class! :)

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